Podczas przeglądania sklepu internetowego Kramer S.A. chcielibyśmy wykorzystywać pliki cookies oraz inne podobne technologie do zbierania danych (m.in. adresy IP, inne identyfikatory internetowe) w trzech głównych celach:
aby analizować statystyki ruchu na stronie, aby kierować do Ciebie reklamy w innych miejscach w internecie, aby móc się z Tobą kontaktować za pośrednictwem chata umieszczonego na naszej stronie.
Kliknij poniżej, by wyrazić zgodę albo przejdź do ustawień, aby dokonać szczegółowych wyborów co do plików cookies.
Cookies and related technologies allow the website to function properly and help us adjust the offer to your needs. You can choose to accept our use of all these files and go to the store, or adapt the use of files to your preferences by selecting "Customize Consents".
Here you can define your preferences regarding the use of cookies.
These files are necessary for our website to function so they can't be switched off.
These files allow you to use other functions of the website (other than those necessary for its functioning). Enabling these files will give you access to the full functionality of the website.
These files allow us to analyze our online store, which may contribute to its better functioning and adaptation to the needs of our Users.
These files are used by the software provider within our store operates. They are not combined with other data left by you in the store. The purpose of collecting these files is to perform analysis that will contribute to the software development. You can read more about this in the Shoper cookies policy.
With these files, we can conduct marketing activities.